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Art, 1913-1977 and undated

 Series 8

This series consists of printing blocks and dummy covers for Barnes's Ladies Almanack, her original works of art, printed versions of her art, art by others, and postcards. It also includes artwork for publications including Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York Morning Telegraph Sunday Magazine, Ryder, Sunday World Magazine, Theater Guild Magazine, and Vogue.


  • Creation: 1913-1977 and undated

Use and Access to Collection

This collection is open to the public, non-circulating, and must be used in the Special Collections reading room. Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection.


39.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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It is arranged into seven sections. "Printing Blocks and Dummy Covers," consist of the blocks used to print Barnes's illustrations for Ladies Almanack and dummy covers for the 1972 edition of that work. "Original Drawings" consist primarily of portraits and unpublished drawings. The third section, "Original Drawings/Illustrations," includes drawings that were used as illustrations for her writings, arranged by publication. "Tearsheets" contain printed versions of her artworks, arranged by publication. There are three of Barnes's paintings in "Oil Paintings." "Art by Others" consists of art by others, including Thelma Wood and Emily Coleman, that formed part of Barnes's collection, arranged by artist. The last section,"Cards," includes postcards and picture cards that Barnes saved.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Original works of art in Series VIII are fragile and are consulted only by appointment. For information and to secure permission or make an appointment, email

Library Details

Part of the Special Collections and University Archives

University of Maryland Libraries
Hornbake Library
4130 Campus Drive
College Park Maryland 20742