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William W. W. Wood papers

 Collection 0160-MDHC

William W. W. Wood papers

 Collection 0160-MDHC

The William W. W. Wood papers span the dates 1879 to 1881 and consist of correspondence between Wood and his overseer at "Jutland," A. L. Taveau. These letters cover such topics as farming experiments and other activities relating to the work of the farm. The letters also include information on Wood's health and that of his family, business dealings with various individuals, and the need to find a new overseer.

Use and Access to Collection

This collection is open for research.

Creation: 1879-1881
26 Items
Language of Materials

This series consists of twenty-six letters written by William W. W. Wood to his overseer, A. L. Taveau, concerning matters on Wood’s farm "Jutland." Topics covered by the letters include growing corn, determining if material found on the farm will make good fertilizers, and the advisability of growing sugar cane and producing sugar. Also found in the letters is a running commentary on dealing with dishonest businessmen, the need to find a new overseer, and plans by Wood to travel to "Jutland." Other subjects described in the letters concern family matters. The materials are arranged chronologically.

Creation: 1879-1881
26 Items
Language of Materials

Correspondence, 1879-1881

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1.0
Creation: 1879-1881
Language of Materials