Jack Minker was a professor at the University of Maryland in the Computer Science Department. Minker became a professor at the university in 1971, the first chairman of the department in 1974, and a professor emeritus in 1998. His collection is comprised of professional research, publications, grant proposals, and information on the Computer Science Department at Maryland. Subjects covered in his research and publications include artificial intelligence,... deductive databases, logic programming, and non-monotonic reasoning. The collection also contains correspondence with individuals in the computer science field as well as with institutions such as the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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52.5 Linear Feet
The Jack Minker papers consist of materials dated from 1951 to 2010 that Minker (1927-2021) created, received, or collected during his career in the computer science field. Minker became a professor at the university in 1971, the first chairman of the department in 1974, and a professor emeritus in 1998. The materials include professional research, technical reports, conference papers, publications, and grant proposals related to research regarding artificial intelligence, deductive databases, logic programming, and non-monotonic reasoning. Included are items related to the University of Maryland's Department of Computer Science such as Dean Review notebooks and correspondence; paper copies of email correspondence, pamphlets, notes and transparencies for a lecture series at Washington College; papers related to Minker's awards and his biographical sketch; memoranda related to the Minker Fellowship for Computer Science; correspondence with computer scientists and institutions such as the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and a transcript of Minker's interview with Kent K. Curtis, the head of Computer Research at the National Science Foundation.
This collection is stored offsite and may take additional time to retrieve and be made available in the reading room.
The Jack Minker papers were first donated by Jack Minker to the University of Maryland Libraries in 2010 and 2019. Subsequent donations were made on behalf of Jack Minker by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cowgill in 2022 and 2023.
This collection is unprocessed. Aside from some rough groupings of similar material, the materials came to the Libraries in no particular order. Inventories are available and are attached to this finding aid. When inventories are available they will be included in this finding aid.
Part of the Special Collections and University Archives