The Graduate Faculty organization consists of two groups representing graduate-level faculty in the establishment and execution of policies of the Graduate School. One branch of the organization, the Graduate Faculty Assembly, is the general electorate of the organization. The second branch, the Graduate Council, consists of elected, ex-officio, and appointed members. The records of the Graduate Faculty organization as a whole consist of minutes, constitutions, organizational plans, reports, and publications.
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The records of the Graduate Faculty consist of minutes, constitutions, organization plans, reports, and publications recording the deliberations and activities of this body.
The purpose of the Graduate Faculty organization is to provide a means for the graduate-level faculty to discharge its functions in relation to the educational policies and procedures of the Graduate School. The Graduate Faculty organization is composed of two bodies: the Graduate Faculty Assembly, which is the general electorate, and the Graduate Council, which consists of elected, ex-officio, and appointed members.
The Graduate Faculty Assembly has authority over the educational policy of the Graduate School and may delegate this authority to the Graduate Council. Additionally, the Graduate Faculty Assembly initiates action on any matter of concern to the Graduate School, acts as a referendum body on questions referred to it by the Graduate Council, and receives information of general interest from the University Administration and the Graduate Council. Under its original constitution, the Graduate Faculty Assembly was to meet regularly on an annual basis. However, the constitution was amended in 1985 to require meetings be held as needed. The most recent meeting of the Graduate Faculty was held during the 1984-85 academic year.
£The Graduate Council also exercises authority over educational policy of the Graduate School, recommends policies pertaining to graduate student life and activities, advises the administration on any matter of concern to the Graduate School, and establishes standing and special committees. The Graduate Council continues to actively function and meets on a regular basis.
The early historical background of the Graduate Faculty, such as dates and circumstances of creation, are not known.
This collection is organized as five series:
The Graduate Faculty records were transferred to the University of Maryland College Park Libraries in the 1970s by the College Park Campus Senate.
Five series were identified in the records of the Graduate Faculty. These records were refoldered into acid free folders, and placed in an acid free container.
Part of the Special Collections and University Archives