Box 5
Contains 209 Collections and/or Records:
Local 261 and Rothmans of Pall Mall signing agreement - Quebec, Canada, 1974
Photo appeared in the May 1974 vol. 18, no. 5 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Presidents and Vice Presidents of Local Unions sign contracts with Imperial Tobacco Products Limited - Montreal, Canada, March 28-29, 1974
Photo appeared in the April 1974 vol. 18, no. 4 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Presidents and Vice Presidents of Local Unions sign contracts with Imperial Tobacco Products Limited - Montreal, Canada, March 28-29, 1974
Photo appeared in the April 1974 vol. 18, no. 4 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Presidents and Vice Presidents of Local Unions sign contracts with Imperial Tobacco Products Limited - Montreal, Canada, March 28-29, 1974
Photo appeared in the April 1974 vol. 18, no. 4 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Presidents and Vice Presidents of Local Unions sign contracts with Imperial Tobacco Products Limited - Montreal, Canada, March 28-29, 1974
Photo appeared in the April 1974 vol. 18, no. 4 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Local 333 approves 3-Year contract with K.R. Edwards. Pictured are the members of the Negotiating Committee for Local 333: Mrs. Christine Rowland, vice president; Mrs. Annie O. Elliott, recording secretary; Mrs. Willie A. Atkinson, trustee; and Mrs. Ira L. Bryant with TWIU vice president Banks; and TWIU Representative Ward. Not present when the photo was taken were James E. Ellis, local president and TWIU vice president Parrish - Smithfield, North Carolina, 1974
Photo appeared in the April 1974 vol. 18, no. 4 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Local 333, employees of K.R. Edwards Leaf Tobacco Company Inc. are shown voting on new agreement - Smithfield, North Carolina, Undated
Photo appeared in the April 1974 vol. 18, no. 4 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Frank Chance former Director of Personnel and Labor Relations for Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company who passed away on March, 1974 - Louisville, Kentucky, Undated
Photo appeared in the April 1974 vol. 18, no. 4 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Local 2 and 198 sign 2-year agreement with Bloch Brothers: John Sayre, Jr. Local 198 vice president; Alexander France, Local 198 president; Charles Kester, director of industrial relations, Bloch Bros.; Howard Haught, Local 2 president; John Henry, Local 2 vice president; Charles Graham, Local 198 Sgt. at Arms; Timothy Weir, Local 2 recording secretary; Albert Palmer, Local 2 Sgt at Arms; Henry Newhart, Local 2 financial secretary. Absent when the photograph was taken were TWIU representatives Curtis and Masterson - Wheeling, West Virginia, Undated
Photo appeared in the April 1974 vol. 18, no. 4 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."
Augmentation of $1.00 to $1.32 for the members of Local section 319. Photo taken during the signing of the collective agreement shows members of the company and union negotiating committees: George Reed, vice president, Local 319; John Purdie, International Representative; Camille Denis, company vice president; Martin Fuchs, President of Local 319; Duncan M. Duquet, director of personnel and industrial relation; Ken Leblanc, personnel manager; Sean Kelly, international representative; Cherry Ferguson, company legal advisor; Harold Catt, plant manager; Bruce Ogilvie; Ken McParland, Tony Paines, Felix Donnely, and Gary Taylor, Manager of Corporate Personnel - Toronton,Ontario, Canada, Undated
Photo appeared in the February 1974 vol. 18, no. 2 issue of "The Tobacco Workers."