WAPAVA Contacts, 2002-2003
- Creation: 2002-2003
Use and Access to Collection
The collection is open for research use. Archival materials from this collection other than DVDs must be used in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library's Irving and Margery Morgan Lowens Special Collections Room during SCPA’s operating hours. Please contact the curator for an appointment.
DVDs from this collection are accessible to the public any time at the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland during library hours. WAPAVA recordings do not circulate and must be viewed on library equipment. Please present the call number for the chosen video, and a photo ID to the Circulation Desk and ask for assistance.
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Library Details
Part of the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library
University of Maryland Libraries
8270 Alumni Drive
College Park MD 20742 United States