Slanted, Issue 1, 1993-09/1993-12
The first issue of Slanted, a North Bethesda, Maryland based fanzine that was created by John Davis, a musician who later played in the bands Q And Not U and Georgie James. Slanted focused on the underground punk culture in the Washington, D.C. area in the 1990s. This issue features interviews with Guy Picciotto of the band Fugazi and with Geoff Turner and Charles Bennington, two D.C. area musicians who operated WGNS Studios, where many bands involved in the D.C. punk scene recorded music in the 1980s and 1990s.
- Publication: 1993-09/1993-12
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Library Details
Part of the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library
University of Maryland Libraries
8270 Alumni Drive
College Park MD 20742 United States