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Robert J. Garofalo papers

 Collection 0330-SCPA

Robert Joseph Garofalo (1939- ) is emeritus professor/conductor at the Catholic University of America, and one of the founders and conductor of Heritage Americana, a recreation of a Civil War era brass band that performed on period instruments. Garofalo also founded Whirlwind Music Publications and is currently president of the company. He was elected president of the Eastern Division of the College Band Directors National Association and is now on the editorial board of the CBNDA Journal. The papers contain recordings, videos, photographs, professional papers including published scholarly and practical writing, clippings, articles, correspondence, conference materials, programs, books, music publications, and orchestral works related to his work with Heritage Americana and the Catholic University of America. Materials also address composers and artists that have influenced Garofalo, as well as his contributions through Whirlwind Music publications.


  • Creation: 1781-2016, undated


There are no restricted files in this collection.

Publication Rights

Publication Rights: The donor did not transfer copyright to the University of Maryland with the physical gift of the collection. The donor or his publishers retain any copyright possessed in the collection. The University of Maryland Libraries is granted permission for the use in scholarly research by the Libraries’ patrons under fair use in Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act.


5.5 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


Content Description

The Robert J. Garofalo papers covers the period from 1781-2016; the bulk of the materials date from 1976-1999. The papers contain recordings, videos, photographs, published scholarly and practical writing, clippings, articles, correspondence, conference materials, programs, books, music publications, and orchestral works related to Garofalo’s work with Heritage Americana and the Catholic University of America, as well as source information for his arrangements and his contributions through Whirlwind Music publications.

Historical Note

Robert Joseph Garofalo (1939- ), a Pennsylvania native, is emeritus professor/conductor of the Wind Symphony and Chamber Winds at the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Garofalo received his bachelor degree in music education at Mansfield University and continued his studies in trombone performance at the Eastman School of Music. He also obtained his master’s and doctorate in musicology at the Catholic University of America. Garofalo was a trombonist with the United States Air Force Band from 1960 through 1964, and toured with its jazz ensemble, Airmen of Note. Garofalo has conducted bands, orchestras, choruses, and operas for more than 40 years. From 1978 to 1988, he conducted Heritage Americana, a recreated Civil War era brass band that performed on period instruments. In addition to his conducting career, Garofalo has authored books, articles in national and international academic music journals, as well as music publications. In 1998, Garofalo founded Whirlwind Music Publications and currently is the president of the company. Garofalo was elected president of the Eastern Division of the College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) and is now an editorial board member of the CBDNA Journal, as well as a member of other band organizations.

Sources for Historical Note


Arrangement of Collection

This collection is organized into seven series.

  1. Scrapbooks
  2. Frederick Converse Research Materials
  3. Recordings
  4. Historical Books
  5. Scores and Instructional Instrumental Books
  6. Catholic University of America
  7. Frederick Fennell Research and Biographical Materials

Custodial History and Acquisition Information

Gift of Robert J. Garofalo received in multiple shipments between 1998 and 2018, with the bulk of the material arriving in November 2018.

Naomi Rabe
March 2019
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Library Details

Part of the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library

University of Maryland Libraries
8270 Alumni Drive
College Park MD 20742 United States