Showing Collections: 1191 - 1200 of 1543
Frederick L. Rath, Jr. was a pioneer of historical conservation who served from 1949 to 1956 as the director of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, newly created by Congress to succeed the National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings, which he had also headed. The papers document Rath's time at the National Trust, as well as his later career at the New York State Historical Association, where he became vice-director in 1957; at New York State's Office of Parks, Recreation and...
1917-1998; Majority of material found within 1937-1988
Raymond D. Hurlbert (1902-1996) began his public broadcasting career in the early 1950s when he helped establish the Alabama Educational Television Network and the Alabama Educational Television Commission, becoming its first president from 1953 to 1955. In 1955, he served as general manager of the Alabama Educational Television Network. From 1962 to 1963, Hurlbert served on the television board of the National Association of Educational Broadcasters (NAEB), including a stint as chair. He...
1953-1973; Majority of material found within 1953-1973
Raymond F. Dvorak (1900-1982) was an American band director and music educator who spent much of his career as director of the University of Wisconsin bands. The Dvorak Papers covers the period from 1876 to 1987, with the bulk of the materials dating from 1960 to 1980. The collection consists of both personal and professional papers, including published and collected articles, correspondence, programs, memorabilia, and photographs related to Dvorak's work as a band director, particularly...
1876-1987; Majority of material found within 1960-1980
The Raymond Haggh (September 4, 1920 - March 13, 2011) and Hilde Wentzlaff-Eggebert (February 8, 1927 - March 16, 2007) correspondence documents the lives and long-distance relationship of these two music scholars. The collection primarily consists of pieces of correspondence exchanged between Haggh and Wentzlaff-Eggebert and sent to them by their respective relatives. Letters are occasionally accompanied by newspaper clippings or other loose papers, including a musical score composed by...
1944–1949, undated; Majority of material found within 1947–1949
Scope and Contents
The Raymond Lewenthal Collection contains papers, recordings, scores, and photographs relating to the life and career of pianist and educator Raymond Lewenthal. Lewenthal was renowned for his playing of Romantic era music, and he focused especially on lesser-known repertoire. Lewenthal was interested in Charles-Valentin Alkan, working on a biography of him and programming his works intently. Lewenthal was a highly influential pianist, and maintained a teaching career at both Mannes and the...
1917 - 1988
Raymond Luedeke (b. New York, NY, 11 November 1941), a North American composer, clarinetist, and educator, was born a U.S. citizen but also became a naturalized citizen of Canada in 1988. He returned to New York in 2010. Luedeke earned a Bachelor of Music in music history from the Eastman School of Music in 1966, a Master of Music in composition from the Catholic University of America in 1971, and a Doctor of Musical Arts in composition from Northwestern University in 1976. His composition...
1965-2016; Majority of material found within 1980-2014
The Joseph Raynes papers consist of correspondence from British immigrant Joseph Raynes to his family in Bonsall, Derbyshire, England, describing an Atlantic sea voyage; the Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore life in the nineteenth century, including buildings, prices, and Lexington Market; slavery; the failure of the Bank of Maryland; and the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Cincinnati. Also included is news of friends, family and deaths.
1831-1849; Majority of material found within 1831-1843
Milton A. Reckord (1879-1975) was a high-ranking officer in the United States Army and the Maryland National Guard. Reckord was also active in the National Guard Association, the National Rifle Association, and numerous civic organizations. Reckord's papers include personal and military documents tracing his professional career and civilian activities. Included are diaries, official orders, memorabilia, publications, awards, and extensive war-time correspondence with his mother, Lydia...
William "Bill" Thomas Reed (1938-2020) helped create the PBS Elementary/Secondary Service, the PBS Adult Learning Service, the PBS Adult Learning Satellite Service, and the PBS National Narrowcast Service (later called the Business Channel) during the 1980s. He also created the PBS Home Video Project, an operation designed to market PBS videos to home viewers.Reed joined public station KIXE in Redding, CA in 1967 as KIXE's general manager. In 1974, he started working full time at...
1969-1991; Majority of material found within 1979-1991
An environmental activist, Merilyn B. Reeves (b. 1931) was active in various organizations including the League of Women Voters of Maryland, Lung Association of Southern Maryland, and the Friends of Yamill County (Oregon) between the 1960s and 2011. Her work included testifying in front of Congress for the Clean Air and Safe Water Acts, working with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the Chesapeake Bay Program, and leading the advisory council for the cleanup of the Hanford...
1962-2016; Majority of material found within 1971-2002