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Showing Collections: 931 - 940 of 1543

Maryland Conservation Council records

 Collection 0051-MDHC
Abstract The Maryland Conservation Council was founded in 1968 as a coalition of environmental groups and concerned individuals to coordinate conservation work at the state level. The Council deals with a broad range of environmental issues throughout the state of Maryland. The Council's records cover such subjects as environmental policy, the conservation of natural resources in the state of Maryland, acid rain, hazardous waste, and water quality management. Formerly known as the Maryland...
Dates: 1970-1986

Maryland Dance Theater records

 Collection 0012-SCPA
Abstract Maryland Dance Theater, founded on the University of Maryland campus in 1971 by Dorothy Madden and Larry Warren, performed contemporary dance in the DC and Baltimore metro areas until it disbanded in 1988. Its repertory embraced a wide variety of movement, styles, and theatrical concepts. The company also provided dance education through lecture demonstrations and master classes. The Maryland Dance Theater records consists of programs, photographs, correspondence, press clippings, publicity...
Dates: 1973-2008; Majority of material found within 1973-1988

Maryland Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. records

 Collection 0221-MDHC

The Maryland Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. was founded in 1929 as part of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women, a nonpartisan, nondenominational and nonsectarian organization for working women. The records of the Maryland Federation consist of correspondence, minutes, charters, publications, committee and individual club files, membership lists, scrapbooks, photographs, convention records, programs, and memorabilia.

Dates: 1940-2005

Maryland Folklore collection

 Collection 0064-LIT
Abstract The Maryland Folklore collection consist of materials collected and created primarily by students of Maryland institutions of higher education in Salisbury, Frostburg, and College Park. Although the contents of the collection were collected or created by citizens of Maryland or students at Maryland institutions, the subjects of their projects range widely and are not confined to the state of Maryland. The types of materials include student papers; photographic prints, slides, and negatives;...
Dates: 1944-1999; Majority of material found within 1967-1994

Maryland Food Collective records

 Collection 0087-UA
Abstract In August 1975, Matt Mayer, a student at the University of Maryland, College Park, submitted a proposal to the Student Government Association (SGA) for the formation of the Maryland Food Collective, which is today also known as the "Maryland Food Co-operative" or the "Co-op." The Maryland Food Collective Archives cover the years 1972 to 2005, with the bulk of the material dating from the 1980s and 2000s. The collection focuses primarily on preserving the culture of the Co-op and the voices...
Dates: 1972-2009; Majority of material found within 1980-2005

Maryland Historical Markers photographs

 Collection 0517-MDHC
Abstract Beginning in 1930, historical markers, made of cast iron, were erected alongside Maryland roads and highways, first under the vision of J. Alexis Shriver, of the Harford County Historical Society, and later funded by the Maryland State Roads Commission and the Maryland Historical Society. This accession consists of photographs of Maryland's historical markers (ca. 1935-1940), taken and annotated probably by J. Alexis Shriver. The photographic prints are pasted into notebooks with dated...
Dates: 1935-1940

Maryland Home Economics Association records

 Collection 0050-MDHC
Abstract The Maryland Home Economics Association was founded in 1917 to educate the public on the value of home economics. The organization is now known as the Maryland Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Activities sponsored by the association include courses in home economics and radio shows during the 1930's and 1940's. The collection consists of histories, reports, correspondence, newsletters, manuals, radio scripts, and minutes relating to such subjects as pure food and drug legislation...
Dates: 1913-1998; Majority of material found within 1975-1995

Maryland Horse Breeders Association records

 Collection 0049-MDHC

The Maryland Horse Breeders Association was founded in 1929 as an agency dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Maryland horse industry. The collection consists of office files of the association, which reflect activities such as publishing the Maryland Horse; reviewing legislation concerning the racing industry in Maryland; supporting increased opportunities for Maryland horse breeders; and promoting horse shows and sales, steeple chasing, and thoroughbred racing.

Dates: 1929-1979

Maryland Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program records

 Collection 0543-UA
Content Description The Maryland Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program offers workshops, presentations, conferences, and retreats that focus on understanding and practicing leadership for positive change to UMD students. This accession consists of print materials relating to the Maryland LEAD Program and other leadership programming dated 1982-2013. Most of the materials are agendas from Maryland Leadership Conferences, but newspapers, agendas, newsletters, fliers, and a scrapbook are also...
Dates: 1982-2013

Maryland Library Association records

 Collection 0048-MDHC

The Maryland Library Association was founded in 1923 to promote library interests and development, as well as the profession of librarianship in the state of Maryland. The collection contains the operating records of the Association, including records of special programs and activities. The records also document the Association's relationship with the American Library Association, its efforts to fight censorship, and its celebrations of National Library Week.

Dates: 1923-2023; Majority of material found within 1970-2022

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Special Collections and University Archives 1095
Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library 448
English 1539
French 8
Japanese 8
German 4
Latin 4
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Agnew, Spiro T. 5
Humphrey, Hubert H. 4
Brown, Irving, 1911- 3
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 3
McKeldin, Theodore R. (Theodore Roosevelt) 3
∨ more
Mondale, Walter F. 3
Truman, Harry S. 3
Acheson, Dean 2
Delaney, George Philip 2
Dubinsky, David 2
Eisenhower, Dwight David 2
Goldberg, Arthur J. (Goldberg, Arthur Joseph) 2
Goldfinger, Nathaniel 2
Hill, Norman, 1933- 2
Hoover, Herbert 2
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 2
Johnson, Lyndon Baines 2
Lovestone, Jay 2
Meany, George 2
Morrison, Frank 2
Nixon, Richard Milhous 2
Ruttenberg, Stanley H., 1917- 2
Schnitzler, William F. 2
Stevenson, Adlai E., II 2
Uehlein, Joe 2
Woll, Matthew 2
Abel, Iorwith Wilber 1
Adolph Coors Company 1
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America 1
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Local 63 (New York, N.Y.) 1
American Federation of Hosiery Workers 1
Anderson, Mary 1
Ayers, Jake 1
Bacon, Denise 1
Baldinger, Wilbur H. 1
Barkin, Solomon, 1907-2000 1
Basharah, Michael 1
Blaydes, Laurel 1
Boggs, Michael D., 1948- 1
Braunthal, Alfred 1
Brookwood Labor College 1
Brown, George T. 1
Brown, Theodore E. 1
Bryant, Elise 1
Carranza, Venustiano 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Association 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (Agency : U.S.) 1
Cohen, Larry 1
Cornfield, Gilbert 1
Curran, Joseph Edwin 1
Davis, Jerame 1
Delaplaine, Rocky 1
Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund) 1
Dubrow, Evelyn 1
Dulles, John Foster 1
El-Shazil, Heba 1
Ellenberger, James N. 1
Epstein, Dena J. Polacheck, 1916–2013 1
Feldman, Gilbert 1
Fernbach, Frank, 1911-1984 1
Food Lion 1
Friedman, Martin L., 1923- 1
Gavran, Peter 1
Glazer, Joe 1
Gold, Robin 1
Goldberg, Harry, 1901- 1
Gomez, Susan 1
Graeve, Cheryl 1
Greater Washington Central Labor Council. AFL-CIO (1896-) 1
Green, Archie 1
Green, Karin 1
Greiff, Helen 1
Greyhound Lines, Inc. 1
Hardesty, Doris Gibson 1
Harriman, W. Averell 1
Harrington, Richard 1
Hays, Claudia C. 1
Henle, Peter 1
Hillquit, Nina 1
Hodell, Chuck 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Local 49 (Boston, Mass.) 1
Italian Communist Party 1
Italian Confederation of Labor 1
Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions 1
Italian Dressmakers' Union 1
Italian Federation of Labor 1
Italian Labour Union 1
Italian Socialist Federation (U.S.) 1
Italian Socialist Party 1
Italian-American Labor Council 1
J.P. Stevens & Co. 1
Justice for Janitors 1
Kahn, Si 1
Kahn, Thomas 1
Kassalow, Everett M. (Everett Malcolm) 1
Kefauver, Estes 1
Kehrer, E. T., 1921- 1
Kemble, Penn (Kemble, Richard Penn) 1
Kennedy, Edward M. 1
Kennedy, Robert F. 1
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