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Showing Collections: 1391 - 1400 of 1534

Thomas DeLio papers

 Collection 0138-SCPA
Abstract Thomas DeLio (b. January 7, 1951) is an American experimental music composer, author, and educator. His research includes analyses and discourse on the likes of John Cage, Morton Feldman, and Iannis Xenakis. He is currently a professor in music theory and composition at the University of Maryland. This collection contains compositions written by DeLio, compositions and other scholarly works by DeLio's students, DeLio's teaching materials and other scholarly work, correspondence, reviews,...
Dates: 1970-2023

Thomas E. Caneva papers

 Collection 0328-SCPA
Abstract Dr. Thomas E. Caneva (b.1957) is Director of Bands, Coordinator of Music, and Coordinator of Ensembles and Conducting at Ball State University. He has also served on the music faculties of the University of Illinois, University of Colorado, Auburn University, and the University of Texas. Under his direction, the bands at these schools have performed at festivals, conventions, and NCAA football bowl games. Dr. Caneva is an active member of the College Band Directors National Association...
Dates: 1984-2002

Thomas Family papers

 Collection 0145-MDHC
Abstract The Thomas Family papers include eleven letters and six documents from three generations of the Philip Thomas family of Cecil County, Maryland. All but one of the letters were received by Philip Thomas, Jr.; the additional documents consist of a bond, a bill of sale, a land indenture, two wills, and a military certificate. There are records that indicate the Thomas family enslaved up to 45 people. Major topics include family concerns, the Napoleonic wars, social life in the early nineteenth...
Dates: 1793-1816; Majority of material found within 1804-1810

Harold O. Thomen collection

 Collection 0175-UA

Harold O. Thomen was a member of the University of Maryland Class of 1928. This collection includes six photographs depicting electrical engineering students in class and driving a car to a football game. Several items, including commencement programs, were transferred to the University Publications collection.

Dates: 1922-1929; Majority of material found within 1929

James Thompson papers

 Collection 0251-MDHC

Group of six handwritten business letters to and from James Thompson of Pennsylvania from correspondents in Baltimore and Havre de Grace. One of the letters, written to James Thompson by Magrew and Virdin, gives details of the damage to the Tide Water Canal and of the accidental drowning of its superintendent William Boyd.

Dates: 1808-1841; Majority of material found within 1841

Oswald Tilghman papers

 Collection 0518-MDHC
Abstract The Oswald Tilghman papers consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and working papers related to historian and politician Oswald Tilghman of Easton in Talbot County, Maryland on the Eastern Shore. Documents date from the late 19th to the early 20th century. Correspondence includes letters and an invitation. Tthe newspaper clippings relate to a published excerpt of Tilghman’s History of Talbot County, Maryland, 1661-1861 devoted to John Dickinson. The working papers include...
Dates: 1882-1923; Majority of material found within 1882-1899

Toaping Castle Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution records

 Collection 0545-MDHC
Abstract The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women's service organization and genealogical society for women who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution. The NSDAR was founded on October 11, 1890, and currently has 3,000 chapters across the United States and internationally and 185,000 members. Members participate in historic preservation projects, educational programs, and acts of patriotism in their...
Dates: 1754-2018; Majority of material found within 1946-2018

Tobacco Workers International Union (TWIU) records

 Collection 0105-LBR
Abstract Founded in 1895 as the National Tobacco Workers Union of America, the Tobacco Workers International Union merged in 1978 with the Bakery and Confectionery Workers International Union to form the Bakery, Confectionery, and Tobacco Workers International Union. The Tobacco Workers International Union (TWIU) records date from 1894-1989 and include administrative files, organizers' correspondence and reports, documentation of locals' activities and charters, financial records, memorabilia,...
Dates: 1894-1989

Tobias Matthay Collection

 Collection 0008-IPAM
Abstract Tobias Matthay (1858-1945) was a pianist, composer, and teacher. He wrote chamber music, piano pieces, and vocal pieces, but he is best known for his extensive, detailed writings on piano technique. Matthay also taught various pianists at the Royal Academy of Music, many of whom became eminent concert pianists. The collection consists of scores, books, lists, concert programs, and biographical materials related to Matthay’s career and his relationships with his pupils, including Denise...
Dates: 1885-2009; Majority of material found within 1908-1929

John S. Toll papers

 Collection 0310-MDHC
Abstract John S. Toll earned a B.A. at Yale in 1944 and had completed an M.A. and Ph.D. in physics at Princeton by 1952. During his graduate studies, he worked as a theoretical physicist at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico. From 1953 to 1965, Toll headed the University of Maryland Physics Department. He then moved to the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where he served as president until returning to the University of Maryland in 1978. Toll resigned in 1989 and later...
Dates: 1943-1991; Majority of material found within 1960-1980

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Special Collections and University Archives 1090
Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library 444
Japanese 8
French 5
German 4
Latin 4
Czech 3
∨ more  
Agnew, Spiro T. 5
Humphrey, Hubert H. 4
Brown, Irving, 1911- 3
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 3
McKeldin, Theodore R. (Theodore Roosevelt) 3
∨ more
Mondale, Walter F. 3
Truman, Harry S. 3
Acheson, Dean 2
Delaney, George Philip 2
Dubinsky, David 2
Eisenhower, Dwight David 2
Goldberg, Arthur J. (Goldberg, Arthur Joseph) 2
Goldfinger, Nathaniel 2
Hill, Norman, 1933- 2
Hoover, Herbert 2
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 2
Johnson, Lyndon Baines 2
Lovestone, Jay 2
Meany, George 2
Morrison, Frank 2
Nixon, Richard Milhous 2
Ruttenberg, Stanley H., 1917- 2
Schnitzler, William F. 2
Stevenson, Adlai E., II 2
Uehlein, Joe 2
Woll, Matthew 2
Abel, Iorwith Wilber 1
Adolph Coors Company 1
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America 1
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Local 63 (New York, N.Y.) 1
American Federation of Hosiery Workers 1
Anderson, Mary 1
Ayers, Jake 1
Bacon, Denise 1
Baldinger, Wilbur H. 1
Barkin, Solomon, 1907-2000 1
Basharah, Michael 1
Blaydes, Laurel 1
Boggs, Michael D., 1948- 1
Braunthal, Alfred 1
Brookwood Labor College 1
Brown, George T. 1
Brown, Theodore E. 1
Bryant, Elise 1
Carranza, Venustiano 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Association 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (Agency : U.S.) 1
Cohen, Larry 1
Cornfield, Gilbert 1
Curran, Joseph Edwin 1
Davis, Jerame 1
Delaplaine, Rocky 1
Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund) 1
Dubrow, Evelyn 1
Dulles, John Foster 1
El-Shazil, Heba 1
Ellenberger, James N. 1
Epstein, Dena J. Polacheck, 1916–2013 1
Feldman, Gilbert 1
Fernbach, Frank, 1911-1984 1
Food Lion 1
Friedman, Martin L., 1923- 1
Gavran, Peter 1
Glazer, Joe 1
Gold, Robin 1
Goldberg, Harry, 1901- 1
Gomez, Susan 1
Graeve, Cheryl 1
Greater Washington Central Labor Council. AFL-CIO (1896-) 1
Green, Archie 1
Green, Karin 1
Greiff, Helen 1
Greyhound Lines, Inc. 1
Hardesty, Doris Gibson 1
Harriman, W. Averell 1
Harrington, Richard 1
Hays, Claudia C. 1
Henle, Peter 1
Hillquit, Nina 1
Hodell, Chuck 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Local 49 (Boston, Mass.) 1
Italian Communist Party 1
Italian Confederation of Labor 1
Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions 1
Italian Dressmakers' Union 1
Italian Federation of Labor 1
Italian Labour Union 1
Italian Socialist Federation (U.S.) 1
Italian Socialist Party 1
Italian-American Labor Council 1
J.P. Stevens & Co. 1
Justice for Janitors 1
Kahn, Si 1
Kahn, Thomas 1
Kassalow, Everett M. (Everett Malcolm) 1
Kefauver, Estes 1
Kehrer, E. T., 1921- 1
Kemble, Penn (Kemble, Richard Penn) 1
Kennedy, Edward M. 1
Kennedy, Robert F. 1
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