Showing Collections: 1531 - 1534 of 1534
John W. "Jack" Zane served as the sports information director at the University of Maryland from 1970 until 1988. Zane received his bachelor's degree in Journalism from Maryland in 1960 and worked as the sports information director at George Washington University before returning to UMD. After Herb Harnett took over as sports information director, Zane took on other responsibilities in the athletic department, including ticket manager and director of the Walk of Fame at the Comcast...
1926-2005; Majority of material found within 1965-2000
Zoel J. Parenteau Jr. (1933-2008) was a key figure in two midwestern public television stations, first at Kansas City, Missouri's public television station (KCPT) from 1960 to 1966 and subsequently at the Wichita, Kansas public television station (KPTS) from 1972 to 1997. In 1978, he was elected to a three-year term as a professional director at the Public Broadcasting Service. He also served on the board of trustees of the Association of America's Public Television Stations (APTS) from 1990...
1979-1980; Majority of material found within 1979-1980
The John and Margaret Hood Zug papers consist of correspondence and cover a broad range of subjects, including temperance, Christian behavior, child-rearing, and even antebellum southern society. Much of the correspondence is between Pennsylvania natives John Zug, a temperance speaker and minister, and Margaret Ann (Hood) Zug before and after their marriage in 1841. There is also correspondence between Zug and his friends and associates in the temperance movement. After John Zug's death and...
1837-1851; Majority of material found within 1838-1843
Bowie, Maryland emerged from the junction of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1872. John Edgar Zug was a banker and surveyor who lived in Bowie, Maryland. His son, John Zug, Jr. worked for the U.S. government as a civil and hydrographic engineer and a surveyor and later became a rare coin dealer. The collection includes notebooks used by both Zugs for sketches, notes and calculations while surveying parcels of land in Bowie, Maryland. The books include the...
1890-1937; Majority of material found within 1890-1923