Showing Collections: 161 - 170 of 1094
Elizabeth Smith Brownstein (1930- ) began her career in television in the 1950s, serving for four years as chief television researcher for CBS, where she worked on such programs as See it Now and Person to Person. The collection documents her work for CBS, Meet the Press, WETA's Evening Edition with Martin Agronsky, and the Smithsonian video and television division, including the...
1953-2005; Majority of material found within 1957-1999
James Bruce (1892-1980) spent most of his life in the world of business and banking, working in both New York and Baltimore. He served variously as president of the Baltimore Trust Company, director of American Airlines, and vice president of the National Dairy Products Corporation. He and his family also had ties to diplomacy and early in his life, just prior to enlistment for World War I, Bruce served as private secretary to his uncle, Thomas Nelson Page, U. S. Ambassador to Italy. Several...
1734-2002; Majority of material found within 1910-1960
Stephen G. Brush (1935-) is a physicist and historian of science who worked at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Livermore, California, before coming to the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1968. At the University of Maryland, he held the position of associate professor in the History Department as well as the Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics (IFDAM), later the Institute for Physical Science and Technology (IPST), later becoming full professor, and finally...
1888-2006; Majority of material found within 1965-2000
Hannah "Cary" Purcell Bruton was a young woman living in Baltimore in the 1910s and 1920s. Her scrapbook dates from 1914-1927 and chronicles her life in Baltimore including family and friends, education at Western High School, her involvement in the Girl Scouts, outings at Gwynns Falls and Druid Hill Park, vacations, participation in sporting events, her marriage, and role in the Maryland Feature Film Corporation.
Jackson R. Bryer was a professor in the English Department at the University of Maryland from 1964 to 2005. The Bryer papers cover the period 1947 to 2019 and consist of correspondence, manuscripts, galleys, and page proofs associated with Bryer's publications: Fifteen Modern American Authors (1969); Louis Auchincloss and His Critics (1977); F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Critical Reception...
1947-2019 and undated; Majority of material found within 1977-1984; Majority of material found within 2004-2019
Christopher Buchanan is a freelance documentary producer for both public and commercial television and public radio. From 1986 to 1988, he produced stories for National Public Radio's news and information programs. For the Public Broadcasting Service, Buchanan contributed to several programs in the series FRONTLINE as either associate producer or field producer. The collection includes extensive production files, field notes, interview transcriptions, travel itineraries and receipts, budget...
Orin M. Bullock, Jr. was a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects who had a long career in historic preservation. His papers deal with his education at Harvard University, his work at Colonial Williamsburg and on restoration projects all over the east coast, as well as his retirement career teaching at the University of Maryland. The collection includes drawings, photographs, negatives, journals, and files. The collection is unprocessed but a preliminary inventory is available.
Mary Lee Bundy (1927-1987) was a professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, College of Library and Information Services. She was also one of the officers of Urban Information Interpreters, Inc., a non-profit organzation that sought to make information services accessible to the urban poor. Her papers consist of a manuscript of the book Activism in American Librarianship, 1962-1973, which Bundy co-edited with Frederick J. Stielow.
circa 1987
Franklin Burdette was a professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland from 1946 until 1974. Burdette's papers consist of state, county, and municipal documents; serials; subject files on local history, local politics and government, and Islamic culture; correspondence; articles; and manuscripts. Major topics include Montgomery College, citizen association files, the Republican Party, and the Maryland State Teacher's Association. The papers are unprocessed, but a...
The publishing company that eventually became the Bureau of Business Practice (BBP) began as a small, private venture, the National Foreman's Institute (NFI), in Essex, Connecticut, in 1915. For the first thirty-five years of its existence, NFI was exclusively a publisher of training materials for the first line of industrial supervision. The Bureau of Business Practice records consists of publications dating from the years when the BBP was known as the National Foreman's Institute to just...
1944-2002; Majority of material found within 1944-1963