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Showing Collections: 1411 - 1420 of 1538

Joseph D. Tydings papers

 Collection 0149-MDHC
Abstract The collection documents the life and career of Joseph D. Tydings: lawyer, Maryland politician, and U. S. Senator. The Joseph D. Tydings papers relate primarily to Tydings' term as senator from Maryland from 1964 to 1970. The collection also relates to Tydings' maternal grandfather, Joseph Davis; his stepfather, Millard Tydings; his term in the Maryland House of Delegates; his appointment as United States Attorney for the District of Maryland; and his work for John F. Kennedy's 1960...
Dates: 1930-2018; Majority of material found within 1964-1970

Millard E. Tydings papers

 Collection 0150-MDHC
Abstract Millard E. Tydings (1890-1961), a graduate of the Maryland Agricultural College and the University of Maryland Law School, and subsequently a member of the University's Board of Regents, rose through the ranks of Maryland politics to serve with distinction in both the U.S. House and Senate. The majority of documents in the collection are contemporaneous with Tydings' 24 years in the U.S. Senate (1927-1951) and, although there are some personal and business papers, political campaigns and...
Dates: 1881-1995; Majority of material found within 1918-1956

Ralph J. Tyser collection

 Collection 0158-UA

Ralph J. Tyser was a 1940 graduate of the University of Maryland and a major university supporter. Tyser Tower, built in 1991, was named for him. His portrait hangs in Van Munching Hall in recognition of his support for the building's auditorium. This collection contains video tapes of the press box dedication ceremony in September 1991, as well as certificates and plaques awarded to Tyser.

Dates: 1940-1991, undated; Majority of material found within 1940s, 1970s, 1980s, undated

Joseph Uehlein papers

 Collection 0100-LBR

This collection documents the professional and personal activites of Joe Uehlein from 1974 to 2017. Uehlein is a former director of the AFL-CIO Center for Strategic Campaigns, former Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department (IUD), and a founder of the Labor Heritage Foundation (LHF). The materials reflect Uehlein's passion for the arts as relating to labor and his dedication to labor organization and campaigns.

Dates: 1974-2017; Majority of material found within 1980-2005

UMD Visual Press & San Quentin Drama Workshop: Samuel Beckett's Endgame collection

 Collection 0169-SCPA
Abstract In 1985, the playwright Samuel Beckett had his plays Waiting for Godot, Krapp’s Last Tape, and Endgame performed widely throughout Europe and Asia under the production title "Beckett Directs Beckett." The plays were performed by the San Quentin Players to wide acclaim. The University of Maryland’s Visual Press documented the production through photography and video recording. UMD Visual Press and San...
Dates: 1965-1993, undated; Majority of material found within 1990-1993

Committee on Undergraduate Women's Education records

 Collection 0038-UA
Abstract Chaired by Dr. Sandra Greer, the Committee on Undergraduate Women's Education consisted of senior University of Maryland administrators and faculty. Committe members were charged with evaluating the feasibility of recommendations included in the report "The Education of Women Students at the University of Maryland College Park: Issues and Opportunities." They were also responsible for determining implementation strategies for these recommendations. These records consist of materials gathered...
Dates: 1982-1989

Union Labels, Letterheads and Logo collection

 Collection 0023-LBR-RG98-001

Union labels are used to mark products that are union-made and indicate which union manufactured the product. This collection is composed primarily of photographic facsimiles of official union labels and logos of the AFL, CIO, AFL-CIO and many of the federations' affiliated unions. Some folders include textual material that provides anecdotal or historical information about a union label or logo.

Dates: 1889-1991

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBCJA) archives

 Collection 0120-LBR
Abstract The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBCJA) is one of the largest and most influential labor unions in North America. The union was founded in 1881 and continues to train and advocate for carpenters and others in the building trades. The UBCJA archives consists of correspondence, publications, reports, meeting minutes, charters, bylaws, financial materials, newspaper clippings, photographs, memorabilia and audiovisual materials. Subjects covered in the records include...
Dates: 1826-2015; Majority of material found within 1940-1985

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBCJA), Local 132 archives

 Collection 0117-LBR
Abstract Local Union 132 of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBCJA) is the predominant local carpenters union in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. The consolidation of four local unions located in Washington, D.C.,--884, 190, 1651, and 1103--formed Local 132. The new union received its charter on October 25, 1905. Originally, Local 132 had its headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C., and met every Friday at the Typographical Temple. Members of Local 132 broke...
Dates: 1900-2007; Majority of material found within 1925-2004

United Farm Workers publications

 Collection 0107-LBR

This collection includes an incomplete run (circa 1960s and 1970s) of the English-language edition of El Malcriado, a newspaper published by the United Farm Workers. The collection also contains miscellaneous newspaper clippings and two publications regarding agricultural labor issues.

Dates: 1963-1974

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Special Collections and University Archives 1094
Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library 444
English 1534
French 8
Japanese 8
German 4
Latin 4
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Agnew, Spiro T. 5
Humphrey, Hubert H. 4
Brown, Irving, 1911- 3
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 3
McKeldin, Theodore R. (Theodore Roosevelt) 3
∨ more
Mondale, Walter F. 3
Truman, Harry S. 3
Acheson, Dean 2
Delaney, George Philip 2
Dubinsky, David 2
Eisenhower, Dwight David 2
Goldberg, Arthur J. (Goldberg, Arthur Joseph) 2
Goldfinger, Nathaniel 2
Hill, Norman, 1933- 2
Hoover, Herbert 2
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 2
Johnson, Lyndon Baines 2
Lovestone, Jay 2
Meany, George 2
Morrison, Frank 2
Nixon, Richard Milhous 2
Ruttenberg, Stanley H., 1917- 2
Schnitzler, William F. 2
Stevenson, Adlai E., II 2
Uehlein, Joe 2
Woll, Matthew 2
Abel, Iorwith Wilber 1
Adolph Coors Company 1
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America 1
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Local 63 (New York, N.Y.) 1
American Federation of Hosiery Workers 1
Anderson, Mary 1
Ayers, Jake 1
Bacon, Denise 1
Baldinger, Wilbur H. 1
Barkin, Solomon, 1907-2000 1
Basharah, Michael 1
Blaydes, Laurel 1
Boggs, Michael D., 1948- 1
Braunthal, Alfred 1
Brookwood Labor College 1
Brown, George T. 1
Brown, Theodore E. 1
Bryant, Elise 1
Carranza, Venustiano 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Association 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (Agency : U.S.) 1
Cohen, Larry 1
Cornfield, Gilbert 1
Curran, Joseph Edwin 1
Davis, Jerame 1
Delaplaine, Rocky 1
Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund) 1
Dubrow, Evelyn 1
Dulles, John Foster 1
El-Shazil, Heba 1
Ellenberger, James N. 1
Epstein, Dena J. Polacheck, 1916–2013 1
Feldman, Gilbert 1
Fernbach, Frank, 1911-1984 1
Food Lion 1
Friedman, Martin L., 1923- 1
Gavran, Peter 1
Glazer, Joe 1
Gold, Robin 1
Goldberg, Harry, 1901- 1
Gomez, Susan 1
Graeve, Cheryl 1
Greater Washington Central Labor Council. AFL-CIO (1896-) 1
Green, Archie 1
Green, Karin 1
Greiff, Helen 1
Greyhound Lines, Inc. 1
Hardesty, Doris Gibson 1
Harriman, W. Averell 1
Harrington, Richard 1
Hays, Claudia C. 1
Henle, Peter 1
Hillquit, Nina 1
Hodell, Chuck 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Local 49 (Boston, Mass.) 1
Italian Communist Party 1
Italian Confederation of Labor 1
Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions 1
Italian Dressmakers' Union 1
Italian Federation of Labor 1
Italian Labour Union 1
Italian Socialist Federation (U.S.) 1
Italian Socialist Party 1
Italian-American Labor Council 1
J.P. Stevens & Co. 1
Justice for Janitors 1
Kahn, Si 1
Kahn, Thomas 1
Kassalow, Everett M. (Everett Malcolm) 1
Kefauver, Estes 1
Kehrer, E. T., 1921- 1
Kemble, Penn (Kemble, Richard Penn) 1
Kennedy, Edward M. 1
Kennedy, Robert F. 1
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