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Showing Results: 121 - 130 of 151

Samuel Gompers Papers Project collection

 Collection 0057-LBR
Abstract The Samuel Gompers Papers consist of the documents created during the research, writing, and publishing of the twelve volumes of the Samuel Gompers Papers (University of Illinois Press). This project began under Stephen Kaufman in 1974 and was completed in 2011. The primary purpose of the project was to collect, annotate, and make available primary sources regarding early American Labor History. The files in this collection relate to the editing of the primary...
Dates: 1886-2011 and undated

William Sands papers

 Collection 0266-UA

One of the first two graduates of the Maryland Agricultural College, William B. Sands (1842-1913) was a publisher who was vitally interested in agriculture, education, and government. His papers consist of facsimiles of his correspondence to his future wife, Florence Murray Jessop, the records of the Calvert Fraternity, a ticket to the commencement ball of 1912, and copies of photographs of William B. and Florence M. Sands.

Dates: 1860-1880

Morris B. Schnapper collection

 Collection 0090-LBR-RG96-004

Author Morris Schnapper collected the materials in this collection for his book American Labor: A Pictoral Social History published in 1975. The collection contents span the years 1700-1980 and contain rare images and textual materials relating to American labor history, and promotional materials for Schnapper's book.

Dates: 1700-1985

AFL and AFL-CIO Office of the Secretary-Treasurer, William F. Schnitzler files

 Collection 0064-LBR-RG2-007
Abstract William F. Schnitzler became Secretary-Treasurer of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1952, the same year George Meany was elected President of the AFL. Schnitzler continued in that role in the AFL-CIO until 1969. This collection consists of Schnitzler's reference files, administrative files, AFL-CIO No-Raid Agreement files, dispute case files, civil defense files, speeches, William Green Memorial Fund files, copy books, and Executive Council reference material. Types of materials...
Dates: 1952-1980

Bernard Seaman labor cartoons

 Collection 0501-LBR
Abstract Bernard Seaman was a cartoonist whose work was featured in many labor union publications. This collection includes labor cartoons and other drawings created by Seaman from the 1930s until the late 1980s. A significant portion of the collection consists of original cartoons, but also includes leaflets, union greeting cards, handbills, posters, and broadsides. Organizations represented include the AFL, CIO, and AFL-CIO, as well as the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU),...
Dates: 1934-1983

E. Roderick and Arthur Shipley papers

 Collection 0134-MDHC
Abstract E. Roderick (1915-1984) and Arthur M. (1878-1955) Shipley, were members of an old land-owning family in Maryland; both pursued medicine as a professional career. The Shipley papers consist primarily of a materials documenting late nineteenth and early twentieth century life in Anne Arundel County and Baltimore, Maryland. Included in the collection are 570 picker's checks, tokens used to pay seasonal laborers for havesting crops, other farm-related artifacts, World War II memorabilia,...
Dates: 1901-1975

AFL and AFL-CIO Research Department, Boris Shishkin papers

 Collection 0069-LBR-RG13-001
Abstract Boris Shishkin was a Russian immigrant who became a researcher and economist for the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in the 1930s and 1940s. Later he was the AFL-CIO Civil Rights Department director and secretary of the federation's Housing Committee. The collection provides some documentation on Shishkin's early educational and professional career, but, in more depth, his work with the AFL on issues of racial discrimination and housing. Types of materials include subject files, economic...
Dates: 1918, 1927-1971

Helen Sioussat papers

 Collection 0014-MMC-LAB
Abstract Helen Sioussat (1902-1995) was the Director of Talks and Public Affairs for CBS radio from 1937 to 1958. In that role, she regularly oversaw as many as 300 broadcasts a year addressing government, labor, education, religion, civil rights, and international affairs. In 1941, Sioussat created and hosted the TV program Table Talk, the first roundtable discussion program on television. She also wrote a book about broadcasting, Mikes Don't...
Dates: 1913-1992 and undated; Majority of material found within 1937-1958

Anthony Wayne Smith papers

 Collection 0049-LBR-RG95-012

Anthony Wayne Smith (1906-1992) was an attorney for the CIO and AFL-CIO from the 1940s into the mid-1950s when he became passionate about environmental issues and took up conservation causes at several National Parks. His papers consist of correspondence, legal materials, and ephemera from Smith's personal life, his time at the National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA), CIO, and AFL-CIO.

Dates: 1920-1992

Sterling Family papers

 Collection 0141-MDHC
Abstract This collection consists of correspondence between Will and Tillie Sterling. During the Civil War, from February 1863 to February 1864, Will was stationed in Annapolis; for the last half of this period he was on mustering duty with the regiment there. The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence from Tillie to her mother, A. V. Farquhar, in Philadelphia. The letters discuss personal and military affairs, occurrences of note, prisoners of war, slavery, and military officers and...
Dates: 1862-1864; Majority of material found within 1863-1864

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Special Collections and University Archives 148
Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library 3
French 2
Japanese 2
Spanish; Castilian 2
Czech 1
German 1
∨ more
Russian 1
+ ∧ less
Brown, Irving, 1911- 3
Delaney, George Philip 2
Dubinsky, David 2
Goldberg, Arthur J. (Goldberg, Arthur Joseph) 2
Hill, Norman, 1933- 2
∨ more
Lovestone, Jay 2
Meany, George 2
Mondale, Walter F. 2
Morrison, Frank 2
Schnitzler, William F. 2
Uehlein, Joe 2
Woll, Matthew 2
Abel, Iorwith Wilber 1
Adolph Coors Company 1
Agnew, Spiro T. 1
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America 1
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Local 63 (New York, N.Y.) 1
American Federation of Hosiery Workers 1
Anderson, Mary 1
Ayers, Jake 1
Baldinger, Wilbur H. 1
Barkin, Solomon, 1907-2000 1
Basharah, Michael 1
Blaydes, Laurel 1
Boggs, Michael D., 1948- 1
Braunthal, Alfred 1
Brookwood Labor College 1
Brown, George T. 1
Brown, Theodore E. 1
Bryant, Elise 1
Carranza, Venustiano 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Association 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (Agency : U.S.) 1
Cohen, Larry 1
Cornfield, Gilbert 1
Curran, Joseph Edwin 1
Davis, Jerame 1
Delaplaine, Rocky 1
Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund) 1
Dubrow, Evelyn 1
El-Shazil, Heba 1
Ellenberger, James N. 1
Feldman, Gilbert 1
Food Lion 1
Gavran, Peter 1
Glazer, Joe 1
Gold, Robin 1
Goldberg, Harry, 1901- 1
Goldfinger, Nathaniel 1
Gomez, Susan 1
Graeve, Cheryl 1
Greater Washington Central Labor Council. AFL-CIO (1896-) 1
Green, Archie 1
Green, Karin 1
Greiff, Helen 1
Greyhound Lines, Inc. 1
Hardesty, Doris Gibson 1
Hillquit, Nina 1
Hodell, Chuck 1
Hoover, Herbert 1
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 1
Humphrey, Hubert H. 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Local 49 (Boston, Mass.) 1
Italian Communist Party 1
Italian Confederation of Labor 1
Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions 1
Italian Dressmakers' Union 1
Italian Federation of Labor 1
Italian Labour Union 1
Italian Socialist Federation (U.S.) 1
Italian Socialist Party 1
Italian-American Labor Council 1
J.P. Stevens & Co. 1
Justice for Janitors 1
Kahn, Si 1
Kahn, Thomas 1
Kehrer, E. T., 1921- 1
Kemble, Penn (Kemble, Richard Penn) 1
Kennedy, Edward M. 1
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 1
Kennedy, Robert F. 1
Klaverkamp, Joel 1
Labor Line 1
Labor Resource Service 1
Lee, Ernest S. 1
Lewis, Leonard J. 1
Lie, Trygve 1
Lomax, Dessandra 1
Lowe, Herman, Mrs. 1
Lynch, Gene 1
Mazzini Society 1
McCaughan, Cynthia 1
McGlotten, Robert M., 1938-2016 1
McLellan, Andrew C., 1912?-1982 1
Montana, Vanni Buscemi 1
Morgan, Edward P. 1
National Parks and Conservation Association 1
Nike 1
Nixon, Richard Milhous 1
Osborne, Patricia 1
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