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Federal Executive Departments, 1966-1975


This subseries contains files related to the United States federal executive departments that Hogan worked with or that concerned him during his time as Representative for Maryland’s 5th District in the House of Representatives (1969-1975). Many of these documents are correspondence with constituents regarding their concerns and issues related to these various departments.

Departments include: Agriculture; Commerce; Defense - which includes the Army, Air Force, and Navy departments; Energy; Homeland Security; Housing and Urban Development; Interior; Justice; Labor; State; Transportation; Treasury; and Veterans Affairs. In 1979, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) developed into the Department of Health and Human Services. Education became a separate department under the Department of Education Organization Act of 1979.

Topics include: Peace Corps, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), embassies, U. S. Information Agency; Internal Revenue Service (IRS); war in Southeast Asia - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos; Israel; Anti-Ballistic Missile System (ABM); Corps of Engineers; Marine Corps; Law Enforcement Administration; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); J. Edgar Hoover; Federal Energy Administration; Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (precursor to the Drug Enforcement Administration); National Park Service; Fish and Wildlife Service; Bureau of Outdoor Recreation; Water Pollution Control Administration; Bureau of Indian Affairs; Marketing and Consumer Services; Rural Development and Conservation Service; Farmers Home Administration; Soil Conservation Service; Census Bureau; Maritime Administration; Environmental Science Services Administration; Bureau of Standards; Patent Office; Social Security Administration; Food and Drug Administration; school busing; Public Health Service; Civil Rights Enforcement Division; National Institutes of Health (NIH); drug abuse; Federal Highway Administration; Federal Housing Administration (FHA); impact aid; grants; Prince George’s Airpark; Coast Guard; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); and Civil Aeronautics Board.

One of the main concerns related to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare during the era covered was school busing, also known as desegregation busing and integrated busing, where children were sent to school districts other than their own in an attempt to desegregate schools. This activity followed the 1954 U. S. Supreme Court decision, Brown v. Board of Education, which declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional, and the 1971 Supreme Court decision, Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, which ruled that federal courts could use busing to achieve racial balance. Hogan disagreed with school busing and the redistricting of schools, stating that it wasn’t practical and that it didn’t necessarily achieve the desired results of integration.

The files related to the Department of State and the Department of Defense are concerned with the Fourth Arab-Israeli War (Yom Kippur War) that occurred for six days in October 1973 and the Vietnam War in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia (1955-1975). The Arab-Israeli War led to the 1973 oil crisis due to the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) placing an embargo on oil exports to the United States for aiding Israel’s war efforts. Files related to the Vietnam War include constituent letters voicing their opinions on withdrawing U.S. troops from Southeast Asia and ending the war.

Materials include correspondence, requests, case files, reports, Congressional Record pages, legislation, news releases, newspaper clippings, press releases, brochures, booklets, articles, and photographs.


  • 1966-1975

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This collection is open to the public and must be used in the Special Collections reading room. Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection.

This collection contains restricted material, please check the series and folder listings for additional information. Materials of a sensitive nature, such as those containing personally identifiable information, are restricted for 75 years from the date of creation or the life of the individual and may be screened and removed by special collections staff. Please speak with a staff member if you believe that materials have been unnecessarily removed.


This subseries is organized alphabetically. On the Finding Aid, many of the hyphenated titles such as “Transportation, Department of - “ and “Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of - ” were added to group-related folders together to follow the original intellectual order of the collection created by Hogan’s administration. Most of the physical folders' titles will not have the prefix phrase. They will have either the number classification system from the original intellectual order or the same type of titling format. See the collection’s processing note for further details on the original classification system used by Hogan’s administration.

Library Details

Part of the Special Collections and University Archives

University of Maryland Libraries
Hornbake Library
4130 Campus Drive
College Park Maryland 20742