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Legislative Files, 1969-1974


This subseries contains files related to legislation created, sponsored, and co-sponsored by Hogan on issues brought before the various committees of the House and Senate during his three terms as Representative for Maryland’s 5th District in the House of Representatives (1969-1975). Most of the documents include constituent correspondence regarding constituents’ views and concerns on various pieces of legislation. It also includes House of Representatives Bills (H.R.), House Joint Resolutions (H.J.Res), some Senate Bills (S.), and House of Representatives and Senate concurrent resolutions (H.Con.Res.) that Hogan either created, developed, co-sponsored, or voted on during his time in Congress. In addition, the subseries includes filled-in ballots created by the National Federation of Independent Bussiness, Inc. (NFIB), regarding various legislation and government policies.

House committees include: Agriculture; Appropriations; Armed Services; Banking and Currency; District of Columbia (DC); Education and Labor; Foreign Affairs; Government Operations; House Administration; Interior and Insular Affairs; Internal Security; Interstate and Foreign Commerce (former name of the Committee on Energy and Commerce); Judiciary; Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Post Office and Civil Service; Public Works; Rules (Legislative Reorganization); Science and Astronautics; Veterans Affairs (VA); Ways and Means; Select Committee on Crime; Joint Economics Committee; Standards of Official Conduct; and Select Committee on Small Business. There are folders related to several Senate committees including the District of Columbia, Commerce, Labor, and the Judiciary.

Hogan served on several committees, subcommittees, and Taks Forces during his time in Congress. These included the House Judiciary Committee, the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee and its subcommittee, Retirement and Employment Benefits, and the House District of Columbia Committee. In May 1971, Hogan was appointed to the House Republican Task Force on Drug Abuse.

Topics include: abortion, animals, drugs, Civil Rights, committee reorganization; news media, environment, energy, school busing, inflation, crime, immigration, ethics, firemen and police, firearms and gun control, gas, housing and rent, retirement, health, Welfare, insurance, disabilities, employment benefits, social security, tax, transportation, pornography and obscenity, sports, Lieutenant William Calley, Library of Congress, Anti-Ballistic Missile System (ABM), J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, Russian Jews, the Soviet Union, Middle East - Israel, Vietnam War, the Holy Crown of St. Stephen and Hungary, the United Nations, and the Congress 91st and 92nd Republican Clubs. Many of the files related to the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee are regarding abortion and anti-abortion legislation. In the Judiciary files and the Congressional clips, there are files and audio reels related to the impeachment proceedings against President Richard Nixon.

Materials include correspondence, requests, case files, reports, Legislative Digest reports, Congressional Record pages, government publications, legislation, private bills, meeting schedules, news releases, newspaper clippings, press releases, speeches, testimonies, Congressional interviews, brochures, booklets, articles, ballots, photographs, and audiovisual materials.

Please note that the archival materials in this collection may contain offensive language and explicit imagery. University of Maryland Special Collections and Archives (SCUA) does not endorse this type of content but makes it publicly available for transparency and research. These materials reflect the historical context, beliefs, and issues, that were faced at the time and preserve human experiences and expressions of all kinds.


  • 1969-1974

Use and Access to Collection

This collection is open to the public and must be used in the Special Collections reading room. Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection.

This collection contains restricted material, please check the series and folder listings for additional information. Materials of a sensitive nature, such as those containing personally identifiable information, are restricted for 75 years from the date of creation or the life of the individual and may be screened and removed by special collections staff. Please speak with a staff member if you believe that materials have been unnecessarily removed.


This subseries is organized alphabetically. Within the alphabetical organization, the House Bills are organized by date. On the Finding Aid, most of the hyphenated titles such as “Committees of the House - Appropriations - ” and “Committees of the House - Foreign Affairs - “ were added to group related folders together to follow the original intellectual order of the collection created by Hogan’s administration. Most of the physical folders' titles will not have the prefix phrase. They will have either the number classification system from the original intellectual order or the same type of titling format. See the collection’s processing note for further details on the original classification system used by Hogan’s administration.

Related Materials

Related Watergate and impeachment files can be found in Series 5: House Judiciary Committee, 1971-2014, Subseries 1: Watergate and Impeachment.

Library Details

Part of the Special Collections and University Archives

University of Maryland Libraries
Hornbake Library
4130 Campus Drive
College Park Maryland 20742