Charles E. Peterson (1906-2004) was an architectural historian, restorationist and planner. He began his career with the National Park Service in 1929. In 1933 he founded the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS). After serving as a naval commander during World War II Peterson planned the new Independence National Historic Park in Philadelphia. After retiring from the Park Service in 1962, Peterson became active in Philadelphia preservation issues... and was instrumental in the revitalization of Society Hill. He was active in a number of professional organizations and was one of the founders of the Association of Preservation Technology. The Peterson papers include, among other items, the correspondence of his consulting office, 1962 to present, with a particular focus on the status of the HABS program over the years. Also in the collection are materials covering Mr. Peterson's career in the National Park Service; course syllabi related to Mr. Peterson's teaching in the Columbia University School of Architecture; and documentation of a two-summer HABS program in Hawaii. Mr. Peterson's awards and trophies, as well as original photographs, drawings, and his freehand sketches made in the West between 1927 and 1941, are also included. Materials related to Peterson's personal research interests can also be found in this collection.
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