The Immigrant and Undocumented Student Office at the University of Maryland serves as a community home for students that identify with experiences of immigration, permanent residencies, undocumented or deported family members, and other related identities.
This collection is minimally processed. This means that materials are in the same state we received them and have not been reviewed for content or condition. The collection may need to be screened prior to use. Please contact us before visiting the Special Collections reading room to view this collection. A preliminary inventory is available under the Inventories/Additional Information section.
This collection has been reviewed by the curator in October 2024 and no restrictions were needed.
Photocopies or digital surrogates may be provided in accordance with Special Collections and University Archives duplication policy.
Copyright resides with the creators of the documents or their heirs unless otherwise specified. It is the researcher's responsibility to secure permission to publish materials from the appropriate copyright holder.
Archival materials may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal and/or state right to privacy laws or other regulations. While we make a good faith effort to identify and remove such materials, some may be missed during our processing. If a researcher finds sensitive personal information in a collection, please bring it to the attention of the special collections reading room staff.
110 Megabytes : Raw JPEG Stream, JPEG File Interchange Format, Microsoft Word for Windows, Portable Network Graphics, Acrobat PDF, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed)
This accession consists of born-digital files about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), public charge, legal services, programs and events, mental health resources, wellness, and resource flyers.
This collection contains born-digital materials. If you would like to access these materials, please contact us prior to your visit as items may require specialized software for access.
This collection was transferred to the University of Maryland Libraries by the University of Maryland Immigrant and Undocumented Student Office on July 1, 2019.
Archives staff downloaded files in a ZIP folder from original storage environment (Google Drive) to a local storage environment; analyzed file formats, dates, and presence of PII and other sensitive content; and backed up records locally and in Academic Preservation Trust.
Part of the Special Collections and University Archives