The Cobey Family collection consists of materials collected by William W. Cobey, Director of Athletics for the University of Maryland from 1956-57 to 1969-70, and other Cobey family members. The collection centers around materials covering intercollegiate athletics, including media guides, sports schedules, programs, newsletters, photographs, and scrapbooks. There are also several items from the Queen's Game in 1957, including telegrams, magazine and newspaper clippings, photographs, and film reels. Memorabilia items include a letterman's sweater, football pennant, and a whiskey bottle from Harry Clifton Byrd's private stock. Several oversize aerial photographs highlight Cole Field House, the golf course and other athletic facilities. This collection is unprocessed, but a preliminary inventory is available in the "Additional Description" section of this finding aid.
This collection is unprocessed. This means that materials are in the same state we received them and have not been reviewed for content or condition. The collection may need to be screened prior to use. Please contact us before visiting the Special Collections reading room to view this collection.
9.50 Linear Feet
Part of the Special Collections and University Archives