Showing Collections: 1171 - 1180 of 1538
John Prince (1922-2011) developed friendships with several artists and writers during and after World War II. He received his master's arts degree from the University of Missouri in 1950, and taught there for a brief time. After a career in catering, he entered real estate. In 1954, he boarded with Marcella Comes Winslow, a Washington artist and friend of Katherine Anne Porter. Prince met Porter through his association with Winslow and was Porter's neighbor and friend in Georgetown from...
1957-1978; Majority of material found within 1957-1965
Professional Restoration was formed in 1987 to provide expert technical and practical assistance to contractors, architects, developers, and government agencies concerning the use and maintenance of stone and metals as building materials. The company also performed actual restoration, reparation, and maintenance work on monuments, sculptures, and buildings. The archives of Professional Restoration document approximately sixteen restoration projects in the DC area and includes project files,...
David Sherburne Prowitt (1938-2008) became an executive producer at WNET in 1964 after working for the Chicago Sun-Times, American Airlines, and ABC News. He developed National Educational Television's first science series, Spectrum, serving as producer, writer, and correspondent. Prowitt moved to Washington, D.C. in 1971, where he became a news correspondent and eventually WNET Program Division Washington Bureau Chief. His other...
1971-1989 and undated
The Punk Art collection covers the period from 1978 to 1979. The collection consists of materials related to the Punk Art exhibition at the Washington Project for the Arts in Washington, D.C. in May-June 1978. The exhibition included artists like John Holmstrom, Screaming Mad George, Alan Vega, Jimmy De Sana, Marcia Resnick, Roberta Bayley, Tina Lhotsky and others. This collection includes an exhibition catalogue, an invitation, and promotional material for a touring version of the...
This collection primarily consists of LPs of Earplay, an award-winning radio drama anthology produced by WHA in Madison, Wisconsin for National Public Radio (NPR) from 1972 to 1981. The LPs include portions of the 1972-1977 seasons of Earplay; some include printed documents containing program information and continuity sheets. Additionally, there is a complete LP set of the anthology Ten New Plays: Radio Drama in...
1968-2001; Majority of material found within 1972-1977
The Queen's Game Collection consists of materials about the Queen's Game, played October 19, 1957, between the University of Maryland and the University of North Carolina and attended by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip. The collection consists of records of the event and assorted memorabilia. The records consist of videotape copies of film taken in 1957, as well as written reminiscences collected for the fortieth anniversary of the event. The memorabilia consists of a ticket stubs from...
1957-2002; Majority of material found within 1957, 1997
Dr. Raoul Camus founded the Queens Symphonic Band in 1970. Initially named the Queensborough Community Band, it became the Queens Symphonic Band in 1989. The collection primarily contains programs from the band’s concerts, as well as promotional materials, photographs, and correspondence.
1971-2009; Majority of material found within 1971-1979
Alice Rabin was an activist in Montgomery County, Maryland, in the 1960s and was involved in the efforts to alleviate poverty and to develop decent housing for low-income residents. She was an active member of the Montgomery County League of Women Voters. The collection consists of materials documenting Rabin's involvement in the League of Women Voters as well as information relating to Suburban Maryland Fair Housing.
1963-1972; Majority of material found within 1966-1970
The Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) is a national radio advertising trade organization whose history dates back to 1950. To showcase radio's potential during the rise of the television era, the RAB began collecting examples of ads from all over the country beginning in 1954. Many of these ads were used in workshops and presentations, and by the mid-1960s the RAB had teamed with the Clio Awards in order to recognize the best of radio advertising each year. When the RAB moved from Dallas to New...
1954-1968; Majority of material found within 1958-1964
Warner B. Ragsdale (1898-1986) was a reporter, editor, and author interested mainly in politics. Throughout his career Ragsdale held positions with numerous news organizations including the Associated Press and U.S. News and World Report. The collection documents Ragsdale's career as editor and writer on the political scene through reference files, interview transcripts, manuscripts, notebooks, publications, and photographs.