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Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 1538

Albert W. Hilberg Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission collection

 Collection 0009-GWP

Albert W. Hilberg, M.D., was a physician member of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC), which was founded in 1946 by President Truman to research the long-term effects on survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Albert W. Hilberg collection consists of 48 photographs of Hiroshima before and after the atomic bombing and 41 printed reports written by the ABCC and accumulated by Hilberg.

Dates: 1930-1963 and undated; Majority of material found within 1940-1951

Alcine J. Wiltz papers

 Collection 0341-SCPA
Abstract University of Maryland (UMD) Professor Emeritus Alcine Joseph Wiltz, III was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on March 16, 1941. He was a professor of dance at UMD from 1983 to 2008, and he was the chair of the department of dance there from 1983 to 2004. In 1976, he co-founded the Mid America Dance Company (MADCO), now known as the Modern American Dance Company. He was also the founding chair of the Department of Dance at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. The Alcine Wiltz papers...
Dates: 1945-2018

Alex H. Zimmerman papers

 Collection 0444-SCPA-NAfME

Dr. Alex H. Zimmerman (1904-1987) was president of the Music Educators National Association (MENC), now known as the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), from 1962 to 1964. The Zimmerman papers consist of administrative records related to Dr. Zimmerman's tenure as MENC President. The Zimmerman papers cover the period from 1946 to 1972 with the bulk of the materials falling between 1962 and 1966.

Dates: 1946-1972; Majority of material found in 1962-1966

Alexander Borovsky Collection

 Collection 0476-IPAM
Scope and Contents The Alexander Borovsky Collection includes papers, records, and scores relating to Alexander Borovsky, Russian pianist. The collection was donated by Borovsky's friend and student, William Jones. Borovsky performed in over 2,500 concerts worldwide over 47 years, and was generally admired for his playing of Bach, Liszt, and Prokofiev (of whom he was a personal friend). The papers are organized into 9 boxes, spanning 1890-2024 and covering William Jones’ research materials, concert materials...
Dates: 1890 - 2024; Majority of material found within 1910 - 1966

John H. Alexander papers

 Collection 0013-MDHC
Abstract John H. Alexander (1812-1867) had a varied career as a lawyer, civil engineer, surveyor, geologist, and teacher at the universities of Pennsylvania and Maryland. As Chief Engineer of Maryland, he surveyed the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad. He also conducted a coast survey for the federal government, and, as Maryland's first geologist, he mapped coal deposits in the state. Important subjects documented in the collection include the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, slack water navigation, canal...
Dates: 1824 - circa 1857; Majority of material found within 1835 -1850

Alexander Lipsky Collection

 Collection 0501-IPAM
Scope and Contents The Alexander Lipsky collection, a gift from Lipsky's pupil Richard Land, MD, consists of photocopies of Dr. Land's scores to numerous works of Beethoven, Chopin and others with extensive, detailed fingerings and pedallings from Lipsky. Many of Lipsky's students praised his remarkable ability to devise comfortable and musically logical fingerings for the standard piano literature, and thus the annotated scores are of great interest. For additional information on Lipsky, expand the menus...
Dates: 1901 - 1985

Alexander Siloti Collection

 Collection 0026-IPAM
Abstract Alexander Siloti (a.k.a. Ziloti) (1863-1945) was a pianist, conductor, and music teacher. He was a pupil of Liszt and taught many important Russian musicians, including Rachmaninoff. He performed in Europe and the United States, as well as conducting orchestras in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In addition, Siloti taught piano lessons at the Moscow Conservatory, was a member of the faculty at the Juilliard School, and was known for his transcriptions, arrangements, and editions of various...
Dates: 1859-1983; Majority of material found within 1914-1930

Alfred Lewis collection of Al Jolson recordings

 Collection 0348-SCPA
Abstract The Alfred Lewis collection on Al Jolson consists of 41 recordings (LPs and 78s) created by or featuring Al Jolson (26 May 1886 – 23 October 1950) from between 1929 and 1983. The collection includes compilations relased following his death. Also included are papers pertaining to various Jolson-focused societies that Lewis had collected. Jolson was a Russian-born American singer, comedian, and actor, with a reputation for performing material that is racist while in blackface. For the ethos of...
Dates: 1929 - 1983

Alfred Reed manuscript scores collection

 Collection 0051-SCPA
Abstract Alfred Reed (1921-2005) was a composer, arranger, and conductor in the U.S. His birth name was Alfred Friedman but by the time he was ten, he was playing trumpet professionally under the name Alfred Reed. From 1938 to 1942, he was a staff composer, arranger, and assistant conductor for the Radio Workshop in New York. His next positions were as associate conductor of the 529th U.S. Air Force Band, and as staff composer and arranger for NBC and ABC. In 1953 he became conductor of the Baylor...
Dates: 1953-1966; Majority of material found within 1953-1966

Alice and Arthur Nagle Collection

 Collection 0507-IPAM
Scope and Contents

The Nagle Collection consists of a large number of published and unpublished scores of duo piano works, as well as concert programs, articles and unpublished acetate discs of performances by the Nagles. Alice and Arthur Nagle were a husband and wife duo piano team who gave duo piano concerts in the Washington DC area and throughout the United States for nearly 50 years. Expand the menus below for more information.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1938 - 1993

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Special Collections and University Archives 1094
Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library 444
English 1534
French 8
Japanese 8
German 4
Latin 4
∨ more  
Agnew, Spiro T. 5
Humphrey, Hubert H. 4
Brown, Irving, 1911- 3
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 3
McKeldin, Theodore R. (Theodore Roosevelt) 3
∨ more
Mondale, Walter F. 3
Truman, Harry S. 3
Acheson, Dean 2
Delaney, George Philip 2
Dubinsky, David 2
Eisenhower, Dwight David 2
Goldberg, Arthur J. (Goldberg, Arthur Joseph) 2
Goldfinger, Nathaniel 2
Hill, Norman, 1933- 2
Hoover, Herbert 2
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972 2
Johnson, Lyndon Baines 2
Lovestone, Jay 2
Meany, George 2
Morrison, Frank 2
Nixon, Richard Milhous 2
Ruttenberg, Stanley H., 1917- 2
Schnitzler, William F. 2
Stevenson, Adlai E., II 2
Uehlein, Joe 2
Woll, Matthew 2
Abel, Iorwith Wilber 1
Adolph Coors Company 1
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America 1
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Local 63 (New York, N.Y.) 1
American Federation of Hosiery Workers 1
Anderson, Mary 1
Ayers, Jake 1
Bacon, Denise 1
Baldinger, Wilbur H. 1
Barkin, Solomon, 1907-2000 1
Basharah, Michael 1
Blaydes, Laurel 1
Boggs, Michael D., 1948- 1
Braunthal, Alfred 1
Brookwood Labor College 1
Brown, George T. 1
Brown, Theodore E. 1
Bryant, Elise 1
Carranza, Venustiano 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Association 1
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (Agency : U.S.) 1
Cohen, Larry 1
Cornfield, Gilbert 1
Curran, Joseph Edwin 1
Davis, Jerame 1
Delaplaine, Rocky 1
Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund) 1
Dubrow, Evelyn 1
Dulles, John Foster 1
El-Shazil, Heba 1
Ellenberger, James N. 1
Epstein, Dena J. Polacheck, 1916–2013 1
Feldman, Gilbert 1
Fernbach, Frank, 1911-1984 1
Food Lion 1
Friedman, Martin L., 1923- 1
Gavran, Peter 1
Glazer, Joe 1
Gold, Robin 1
Goldberg, Harry, 1901- 1
Gomez, Susan 1
Graeve, Cheryl 1
Greater Washington Central Labor Council. AFL-CIO (1896-) 1
Green, Archie 1
Green, Karin 1
Greiff, Helen 1
Greyhound Lines, Inc. 1
Hardesty, Doris Gibson 1
Harriman, W. Averell 1
Harrington, Richard 1
Hays, Claudia C. 1
Henle, Peter 1
Hillquit, Nina 1
Hodell, Chuck 1
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Local 49 (Boston, Mass.) 1
Italian Communist Party 1
Italian Confederation of Labor 1
Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions 1
Italian Dressmakers' Union 1
Italian Federation of Labor 1
Italian Labour Union 1
Italian Socialist Federation (U.S.) 1
Italian Socialist Party 1
Italian-American Labor Council 1
J.P. Stevens & Co. 1
Justice for Janitors 1
Kahn, Si 1
Kahn, Thomas 1
Kassalow, Everett M. (Everett Malcolm) 1
Kefauver, Estes 1
Kehrer, E. T., 1921- 1
Kemble, Penn (Kemble, Richard Penn) 1
Kennedy, Edward M. 1
Kennedy, Robert F. 1
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