1000 Friends of Maryland was a nonprofit that advocated for smart growth initiatives. In 2018, the organization merged with Preservation Maryland. This accession consists of press clippings, reports and other publications, photographs, correspondence, minutes, and audiovisual materials.
The A. James Clark School of Engineering is the engineering college of UMD College Park. Originally established as the Division of Engineering in 1915, it went through six name changes until it was named after alumnus donor Jim Clark in 1994.
Cyrilly Abels (1903-1975) was the managing editor of Mademoiselle magazine from 1950 through the early 1960s, when she opened her own literary agency. Abels was literary agent, editor, and close friend of Katherine Anne Porter. The collection consists of letters, postcards, and notes to and from Porter concerning daily life and publishing efforts. Some of the correspondence is addressed to Jerome Weinstein, Abels's husband.
Karin Elizabeth Ades (1944-2015) devoted her career to public service broadcasting and educational television. After working for public television station WMVS (Milwaukee, WI) from 1968 to 1974, Karin Ades worked in public relations and promotion for the Public Television Library and PBS Video from 1974-1981. The collection includes press clips and publications documenting National Association of Education Broadcasters' (NAEB) graphic and design awards and WMVS/WMVT activities.
The Council of Administration consisted of a group of top-level University of Maryland faculty and administrators who worked in conjunction with the University Senate in an advisory and/or administrative capacity. These records consist of minutes of council meetings in which routine functions of campus life, such as scheduling classes, reviewing applications for forming sororities, and planning of special celebrations, were discussed.
The Administrative Board was an advisory body which worked in conjunction with the University Senate and considered matters relating to the daily operations of the University of Maryland. The collection consists of the minutes of the board.
The AFL-CIO Organization and Field Services Department is primarily responsible for coordination of union organizing, and monitoring union issues in elections. This collection is comprised of the charter files of the AFL and AFL-CIO which record the affiliation of national and international unions with the national body from 1886 to 1989.
The American Federation of Labor (AFL) maintained an interest in international trade unionism for many years. During World War II, David Dubinsky and Matthew Woll headed the AFL's international efforts. These papers are the correspondence of the AFL advisors to the United Nations Economic and Social Council from 1945 to 1952. Primary correspondents are Matthew Woll, David Dubinsky, and Toni Sender.