The Campus Rights Committee was founded to protect "student rights in administration-student and police-campus conflicts." It became involved in many different issues on campus such as sex discrimination, gay rights, and access to Board of Regents committee meetings. This collection contains newspaper clipppings and publications, as well as meeting notes and other memoranda, documenting the operation of the committee.
The Committee on Catalogue, Student Enrollment, and College Entrance consisted of University of Maryland faculty and administrators whose responsibilities included determination of class schedules, the school calendar, format of the catalog, standards of admission, and the admission status of incoming students. The minutes and correspondence in this record group document the activities and decisions of the committee.
Formed in 1920 to succeed the Committee on Catalogue, Student Enrollment, and College Entrance, the Committee on Catalogue, Student Enrollment, and Entrance determined the format of the university catalogue, school calendar, status of incoming students, and standards of admission. These records consists of correspondence, reports, and minutes documenting the activities and decisions of the committee.