Showing Collections: 941 - 950 of 1094
Phyllis Knode Steen (1930-2014) graduated from the University of Maryland with B.S. in Physical Education in 1954. This accession consists of a scrapbook compiled by Steen during her undergraduate days at the university between 1951 and 1954. The 80 photographs in the album include depictions of co-ed life in the dormitories, including Somerset Hall (formerly known as Dormitory II), and of campus activities including the Ugly Man Contest, May Day 1952 and the 1954 graduation ceremony. The...
Newton I. Steers was a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from the 8th Congressional District. The collections covers legislation, atomic development, and campaigning and consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, press releases, and scrapbooks. The papers are unprocessed but a preliminary inventory is available upon request.
circa 1955-1980; Majority of material found within circa 1970-1980
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) was an American-born poet, novelist, and playwright who lived for a time in Baltimore, Maryland, but spent most of her life in France and England. The collection consists of correspondence, biographical materials, work papers, and photographs and is mostly in French. Significant figures represented include Georges Hugnet, Georges Maratier, Jacques Stettiner, John Boulton, Bernard Fry, and Pablo Picasso.
1927-1938; Majority of material found within 1927-1938
American author John Steinbeck (1902-1968) was born in Salinas, California. His upbringing in a rural town and summers spent working alongside migrant workers at neighboring ranches would provided themes and settings for his characteristically regional style. In 1919, Steinbeck graduated from Salinas High School and attended Stanford University intermittently until 1925, eventually leaving without a degree. Steinbeck moved to New York City, attempting to live a writer's life, but failing to...
circa 1960-1961
Scope and Content of Collection
The papers of James F. Stepter and the Steptoe family consist of fifty letters which span the period 1862 to 1864. Twenty-six letters were written by James Stepter to his wife Amanda from Harpers Ferry and Union encampments near Brandy Station, Cullet Station, Bealton, and Berryville, Virginia. Major topics include Stepter's personal observations on the war and military life, politics, and family concerns. Twenty-three letters were written by various members of the Steptoe family...
This collection consists of correspondence between Will and Tillie Sterling. During the Civil War, from February 1863 to February 1864, Will was stationed in Annapolis; for the last half of this period he was on mustering duty with the regiment there. The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence from Tillie to her mother, A. V. Farquhar, in Philadelphia. The letters discuss personal and military affairs, occurrences of note, prisoners of war, slavery, and military officers and...
1862-1864; Majority of material found within 1863-1864
James Stern (1904-1993) was an Irish-born author of more than fifty short stories, non-fiction, and translations. His works include The Heartless Land (1932); The Hidden Damage (1947); and The Stories of James Stern (1969). Stern's papers consist primarily of correspondence he received relating to Djuna Barnes, both from her and from others. The papers also include newspaper and magazine...
1940-1986; Majority of material found within 1940-1986
Julie Stevens (1916-1984) was an American actress best known for playing the lead role on the CBS radio soap opera The Romance of Helen Trent. She performed this role for over 15 years, from 1944 to 1960. Stevens also appeared as newspaper reporter Lorelei Kilbourne on CBS television series Big Town, from 1951-1952. The bulk of the collection documents Stevens' early theatrical career and her long radio run as Helen on ...
1940-1980; Majority of material found within 1942-1959
David C. Stewart (1927- ) was a public television programming executive for more than forty years. He joined the Joint Committee of Educational Broadcasting in Washington in 1952, becoming the executive director in 1961. In 1966, he became Director of Programs in Education and Public Media for the National Council on the Arts (National Endowment for the Arts). There he was responsible for all projects in radio, television and motion pictures, and sound recording. Three years later,...
1967-1996 and undated; Majority of material found within 1988-1995
The John William Stewart Family papers span the years 1857 to 1906 with the bulk of material dating from 1857 to 1869 and consist primarily of correspondence written to John William Stewart from relatives and friends in Emmitsburg, Maryland and Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. They report on their health and that of family members and friends, engagements, marriages, prayer meetings, a trip on the Mississippi, and the Civil War. Included in one letter is an 1864 flyer entitled "Greeting to the...
1857-1906; Majority of material found within 1857-1869